
Best Cydia Apps for iOS 9

Over the years, many Cydia apps have been introduced to jailbreak users. Most of the apps are very useful to Apple users although there are also apps that are meaningless. In 2015, we have seen IntelliScreenX 8, iFile, Grooveshark, and Winterboard as the best Cydia apps for iPhone 6 iOS 8. In 2016, thousands of Cydia tweaks have been uploaded to Cydia App Store when Pangu released the jailbreak tools for iOS 9, iOS 9.0.2 as well as iOS 9.1. Take a look at the best Cydia apps for iOS 9 if you have recently jailbreak your iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 5S, iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPod Touch or any iOS 9 devices.

Best Cydia Apps iOS 9 (2016)

Best Cydia Apps

While we are waiting for iOS 9.3 jailbreak, it is a good thing to try any of the apps here on your iOS 9 devices.

App Admin

The name has explained what this app does. App Admin basically allow you to downgrade any apps you purchased from App Store from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. All you need to do is select the app, select the version you want to downgrade to and then tap on the OK button.


Some people described Treadmill as the most meaningful app for iOS 9 but there are a huge group of people find it interesting. Treadmill is a cool Cydia app that calculate how many miles your finger have scrolled on the screen of your iDevice. That is the feature of this app and it is also the only thing it does.


PhotoAlbum+ is without doubt the best Cydia tweaks for iOS 9 when it comes to managing photos or images in your Apple device. You can move photos between folders in an easier way. You can also add password to protect certain photos that you don’t want them to be exposed. PhotoAlbum+ is a free Cydia app and it can be installed from BigBoss Cydia repo.


Whether you are using iOS 9, iOS 8, or iOS 7.1.2, PrefDelete is a must-have Cydia app. PrefDelete allows you to delete any unwanted Cydia apps by tapping and holding the app icon and then tap the delete button. It works like how you usually delete an app from your home scree. In short, PrefDelete makes deleting easy.


Have you ever lost a chance to take an immediate photo because you are using an app? Camrix is the app you need. Camrix lets you take photos from anywhere in your iPhone or iPad. You can take a photo or record a video while using other app. Camrix works on iOS 9.1, iOS 9.0.2, iOS 8.4 and iOS 7.1.2.

AppBox 9

Speaking about the best Cydia themes, AppBox 9 has to be the one. This app allows you to open an app from Lockscreen without the need to unlock. You can set your preference in the Menu section. AppBox 9 is a paid Cydia tweak and it cost $1.50 to download from BigBoss repo.


Best Cydia Tweaks for iOS 9

Whether you are using the newest iPhone 6S Plus or the earlier iPad Air, you can jailbreak it with Pangu Jailbreak tools as long as your iOS version is iOS 9.0-9.0.2. Once you are a jailbreak user, you can pick any of the best Cydia tweaks for iOS 9 here and install it to your iDevice. Most of the Cydia tweaks listed here are free and they are 100% compatible with iOS 9.


PhotoAlbum+ iOS 9 Cydia tweaks

PhotoAlbum+ is a free Cydia tweak for you to manage your photos in a better way. It allows you to add and delete albums with a shorter method. It also provides you a better way to move photos between folders. On top of that, PhotoAlbum+ gives you the privacy you need on your private photos. You can add a password to protect photo albums that you don’t want other to see. To install PhotoAlbum+, go to BigBoss repo and you can get it right away.


BreadcrubsAway Cydia apps

This is a brand new Cydia tweak which allows you to dismiss the “Back to App” shortcut in iOS 9. Install BreadcrumbsAway if you think this feature is annoying as it blocks the Wi-Fi signal indicators and the carrier. With BreadcrumbsAway, you can either disable the “Back to App” feature or move it to the top left corner. To install BreadcrumbsAway, add BigBoss repo and you can get it for free.


BerryC8 Cydia tweaks

Try BerryC8 if you want to make full use of your lockscreen. BerryC8 is considered one of the best Cydia lockscreen tweaks and themes. This Cydia tweak lets you add up to 12 apps on your lockscreen via the settings menu. To launch the app from your lockscreen, all you have to do is swipe the app icon downwards. Go to BigBoss repo and you can install BerryC8 for free.

Speed Intensifier

Speed Intensifier Cydia tweaks

Speed Intensifier is one of the greatest Cydia tweaks to increase the speed of your iOS 9. This app fixes slow performance and lag on iOS 9 by recognizing all the blacklisted apps. There are four modes you can select: Simple, Fusion, Advanced and App. Each mode allow you to select a speed that you need. If you’d like to increase the speed of your iOS 9, you can install Speed Intensifier from Phillip Wong repo (pw5a29 repo) or ModMyi Cydia source. Instead, you can try an alternative app which is NoSlowAnimations. See also: Best Cydia Hacks


betterFiveIconDock Cydia

Thousands of iPhone users have installed betterFiveIconDock. This Cydia tweak lets you add extra icons to the iPhone dock. A maximum of five icons is allowed in the dock. It looks awesome on the iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6 Plus as well as iPhone 6 because the device screen is big enough. Although this is a Cydia icon tweak, some iPhone users claim that they are able to use it without jailbreak. To install betterFiveIconDock, go to rpdev repository.

Other iOS 9 Cydia tweaks: UniversalForce, betterFiveC0lumnHomescreen, f.lux, BlurryLaunch, CCSettings, BetterFourByFourFolders, RevealNC9, BlurryBadges, Multiplexer, FlipBook, CallBar, Springtomize 3 and best Cydia Tweaks of 2015.

There are thousands of iOS 9 Cydia tweaks out there, the best Cydia tweaks for iOS 9 are often those you need to use in your life, not those tweaks well ranked by other users.